If you are looking for an allergist near Germantown MD, the Institute for Asthma and Allergy is a unique center where careful diagnoses, cutting-edge treatments, on-going research, and education of patients are our primary objectives. Our physicians and health care providers near Germantown MD devote themselves to teaching pediatric and adult patients about their diseases, the underlying causes of their symptoms, the application of the latest treatments and research, and the potential benefits and dangers of these treatments.
Patients in Germantown MD with asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, anaphylaxis, food allergy, drug allergy, angioedema, urticaria, itching, eczema, otitis, IgG and IgA deficiencies, and other immunologic abnormalities are routinely referred to the Institute by both primary care physicians and specialists, particularly when patients require extra care or are difficult-to-manage with standard treatment programs near Germantown MD.
At the Institute for Asthma and Allergy near Germantown MD, the allergists near Germantown MD are proud of their capacity to manage these challenging patients and are honored to receive these referrals. Moreover, because of the focus on teaching and the concentration of complex patients, residents and fellows from Washington-area medical programs are frequently found rounding with the teaching faculty of the Institute.
The goal of the Institute is to provide patients with comprehensive care and treatment for their asthma and allergies. In order to achieve this goal, the allergists near Germantown MD offer patients convenient and flexible access to physicians and staff members.
Allergists near Germantown MD offer:
- Same-day appointments
- 24-hour coverage in case of emergency
- Accept all major insurance plans
- Offices located on the red line metro
- Multilingual physicians
As one of the leading asthma and allergy centers in the country, The Institute near Germantown MD is on the cutting edge of medical diagnostics and treatment options. Allergists at The Institute near Germantown MD can test for and treat virtually every kind of asthma condition and allergy. In order to do so, the Institute offers the following specialized services:
- Asthma evaluation and treatment
- Pulmonary function testing
- Insect allergy testing and treatment
- Sinusitis workup and treatment
- Food allergy testing and treatment
- Drug allergy testing and treatment
- Hay fever diagnosis and treatment
- Eye allergy diagnosis and treatment
- Skin allergy diagnosis and treatment
- Contact dermatitis testing and treatment
- Angioedema (swelling)
- Anaphylaxsis
- Latex allergy diagnosis and treatment
- Cosmetic allergy diagnosis and treatment
- Immunodeficiency evaluation and treatment
- Occupational allergic disorders diagnosis and treatment
- Urticaria (hives) evaluation and treatment
- Scratch/prick and intradermal
- Patch tests for allergy diagnosis
- Laboratory tests for allergy disorders
- Immunotherapy (allergy shots)
- Atopic dermatitis
- Eczema testing and treatment
Additional Services:
- Infusion of IVIG
- Provocation testing for aspirin sensitivity and aspirin desensitization
- Provocation for progesterone sensitivity
- Exercise challenge
- Testing for antibiotic sensitivity
- Rhinoscopy/laryngoscopy
- Methacholine challenges
- Food challenges